It’s been said March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb, but this month we’re asking you to finish March by roaring lion-like about an important issue. Back in 2016, City officials proposed to "reduce Yonge from six to four lanes between Sheppard and Finch, while adding bike lanes, a landscaped median, wider sidewalks, and cycling and pedestrian infrastructure.” Essentially, the goal was to Transform Yonge from an expressway that ran through a neighbourhood to a neighbourhood street that anchors North York Centre.
The project would reconstruct crumbling infrastructure, make more space for pedestrians and outdoor cafes, add trees & planters, add separated bike lanes, expand the Toronto Bike Share network, encourage office and retail space and reduce vehicle lanes and on-street parking. In short, the plan would make this part of Yonge the street the neighbourhood wants and needs.
An upcoming council vote threatens to weaken this proposal with a counter plan that wouldn’t remove two lanes of vehicle traffic and would involve moving bike lanes west to a collector street, Beecroft. Additionally, this compromised proposal would increase the time of construction of the project and add approximately $20 million to the cost. Yet this is the plan Mayor Tory supports.
But you can change that. Cycle Toronto is asking that you contact your councillor and the mayor’s office voicing your support of the original Transform Yonge (for all these reasons) before the March 26 council vote.
Contact Ward 28 Councillor Lucy Troisi either by phone or e-mail and let her know that you support the Willowdale residents who greatly support the original Transform Yonge plan.
Councillor Lucy Troisi
Phone: 416-392-7916
You can also contact Mayor Tory
phone: 416-397-CITY (2489)